Notice of Meeting :  update and Voting on the TBYC By-laws
TBYC Members Meeting June 6, 7pm, clubhouse

As you may be aware, the Ontario Government required all non-profit
organizations such as TBYC to revise their governance documents to be in
accordance with a new Act and legislation.  This essentially meant the
club’s constitution had to be rearranged and rewritten.  A new set of
by-laws to replace it and identify the club’s governance has been prepared.

This has been reviewed and passed by the Board and the next requirement prior
to submission is for approval by club membership.  The club's existing
Articles of Incorporation also require amendment.  A special members meeting
has been called for Thursday, June 6, at 7pm at the club-house to vote on the
by-laws and Articles of Amendment, and to provide an initial review of
resulting policies.  You are invited to attend.

The motions to be addressed are:

1)   Motion to approve the THUNDER BAY YACHT CLUB by-laws as presented.
2)   Motion to approve the Articles of Amendment in the form presented.
3)   Whereas the Articles of the Association provide for a minimum of 10 and
a maximum of 16 directors, be it resolved that the number of Directors be set
at 15, that the number of directors to be elected at each Annual Meeting be
set to alternate between 7 to 8 (subject to variations based on board
vacancies from time to time), and that moving forward the number of directors
within the range set out in the Articles and the number of directors to be
elected at each Annual Meeting shall be determined by resolution.

The By-laws and Articles of Amendment can be accessed via the websites
DOCUMENTS under the 'membership portal'. Click the link below to take you to
the document files, you will find the files at the end of the list. [1]