April 11, 2021

On April 8th, 2021 the Premier of Ontario announced the province would be in a State of Emergency and a Stay-at-Home Order was issued. What does this mean to TBYC and our membership?

March 24, 2021

Each season it is the requirement of all members to volunteer 10 hours of labour to help keep the club operating efficiently. 

At the last Executive Board Meeting, Directors had some volunteer opportunities that have become apparent after the winter.  If you are interested in any of the following volunteer opportunities please contact Richard Matheson Cruise10@shaw.ca . See attached for details on Launch & Haul Assistant and Travel Lift Movement Alarm volunteer jobs.

March 24, 2021

Spring 2021 Maritime Radio Course  ROC(M)DSC Virtual Classroom Courses 

Register for a One Day Course: 8am to 4pm

Course Dates:

  1. Saturday 03 April  
  2. Sunday    11 April  
  3. Saturday 17 April  
  4. Sunday    25 April  
  5. Saturday 01 May 


October 30, 2020

Monday November 30, 2020 @ 19:00

Location: Virtual Meeting


TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of the membership of Thunder Bay Yacht Club will be held virtually online (meeting login details below) on the 30th of November 2020 at the hour of 19:00 to 21:00 (Eastern Standard Time) for the following purposes:


1. Opening remarks and explanation of the virtual format by the Commodore

2. Acceptance of the minutes of the last AGM

3. Presentation and acceptance of the annual financial report

4. Presentation of committee reports
